To stream videos in HD (high-definition), Netflix recommends you have a download speed of 5 Mbps. To watch videos in SD (standard-definition), Google recommends you have a download speed of 1.1 Mbps. However, that will only let you watch videos in 360p, one of the lowest resolutions possible. To watch YouTube videos online, Google recommends you have a sustained download speed of at least 0.5 Mbps. However, if you have multiple connected devices, you might need download speeds higher than 50 Mbps. The FCC defines fast download speeds as 25 Mbps and higher. This will let one person browse the web comfortably. What is a Good Download Speed?Ī good download speed for most households is at least 12 Mbps. On the other hand, it only takes around 1.5 minutes to download the same file if you have a download speed of 100 Mbps. For example, it takes around 15 minutes to download a 1 GB file if you have a download speed of 10 Mbps. Your download speed will directly affect how fast you can download a file from the internet. The higher your download speed is, the faster you will be able to load web pages, download files, stream videos, and more. What is Download Speed?ĭownload speed refers to how fast your device receives data from the internet, which is measured in megabits per second (Mbps). The most important number is your download speed, which will tell you how fast you can surf the web and download files.
#How to check wifi channel iphone how to
Once you complete the WiFi speed test, here’s how to interpret the results: What Do WiFi Speed Test Results Mean?Ī WiFi speed test will show your your network’s current download and upload speeds, as well as your ping and jitter.
Your download and upload speeds, ping, and jitter might change depending on your network congestion, interference from nearby networks, and more.
To make sure that your speed test is accurate, you will want to repeat the WiFi speed test in different parts of your home or office at different times of the day. The speed test will show you the download speed, upload speed, ping, and jitter of your internet connection (more on what these terms mean below). Next, click Go and wait for the test to finish.This page lets you run a speed test as many times as you want for free. It also helps to only have one browser tab open and to close all other applications on your device. To get the most accurate results, disconnect as many of your other devices from your WiFi network as possible. Open any browser on your computer, phone, or tablet.To get the best results, you can repeat the WiFi speed test in different locations multiple times a day. To test your WiFi speed, open any browser on your computer, phone, or tablet. If you want to see how fast your WiFi connection really is, here’s how to test your WiFi speed, and what good download and upload speeds are, what ping is, and what jitter is. Just because your internet service provider (ISP) claims that your WiFi is fast, that doesn’t mean you will achieve those advertised speeds. You need a fast and reliable WiFi connection to share large files, stream movies, and have video conferences.